Archive | April 2012

Openhearted Rebellion

Sanjaska, Pleiadian Council of Nine

I’m Sanjaska from the Pleiadian council of nine, and I bring a message through this channel. That the wonders of the golden age to come, your people are going to ascend in ways that you can’t believe. There will be mountains of opportunities ahead of you. New dreams new visions, that go far beyond your ability to comprehend can be. You will see the world as an infinite space, of which you are the creator, of which you with pen and ink will be able to write across the stars. This will be a golden age. This will be a time when free energy will enable people to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors and their brothers.

This will be a time of expanded spiritual work, where every person will be a light worker, every person will experience connection to the divine…

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Random acts of kindness have a profound ripple effect and uplift. It is as easy as this ♥
Do your best to stay in a postive, uplifting state of mind, it is from this heart center profound changes occur, from an individual perspective in additon to the collective ❤ win win 🙂

What is that Elusive Something that we All Seek ?

What is that Elusive Something that we All Seek ?

Grandness is all around us …within each and every one of us…Yet man is mostly unaware of it…Often Greed and superficiality make him search far and wide in all the wrong places.Blindly and persistently….in prevaricating ways,intending to find this elusive something that he seeks…Digging shallow hole after shallow hole,on every square inch available to make sure he misses no opportunity…he must satisfy this unquenchable thirst he feels…yet again, seemingly,what he finds is never appeasing enough to him…only temporarily satisfying,almost a carrot on a stick… Through this ‘not finding what he seeks’, he finds other possible replacements for it,that can give a relative sense of   gratification… relief at least ; an illusory achievement?…But what in reality are we all looking for ? Indeed …it IS….to find our true selves that we have long lost along the way…remembering who we truly are and without whom we always feel incomplete …”Who am I,How and why am i here?What is the function of it all…and the purpose?” …It is your soul’s call,nudging you “come back to yourself,your true self”…but we often ignore the meaning of this call,many the things serving as shackles,many the distractions like louder voices over-riding the one soul voice of truth… many the times we choose to search elswhere for the answers…. externally,through material objects..through expecting this gift to be freely bestowed upon us by someone else other than ourself or achieving it through accumulating vast fortunes ,titles and pride…The truth is ,there is no deadline to compete for,no need for amassing material possessions to fill the emptiness…What we seek has always been Here and Now,always available to the humble seeker…The simple effort to focus all it takes … one singular hole to dig…deep enough….not plenty shallow holes and moving to the next one because we did not find what we were looking for through our impatience…slowly but surely to the right depth where the water is to be found…trusting and knowing that eventually we get deep enough to find it,aware that it is a process to be achieved one inch at a time,because this water is the only thing able to quench our deep,visceral thirst that we feel inside…As simply as removing all the obstacles on our way that prevent us from having the clear vision to go in the right direction,is all it takes….from there on you yourself become the water that easily flows unhindered and uninterrupted…D.Cardona 27/4/2012

2.1 Adamu-The Disclosure Issue (Part 1)

Excellent explantion of disclosure. Your only limits are that of your imagination. Choices. Look within, listen to your inner voice, that of goodness, kindness and love. This is your connection to source, the unity consciousness.

Openhearted Rebellion


Thursday, 26 January, 2012  at Patagonia  (posted 26 April, 2012)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Have you started to feel it yet? There’s a difference in your perception, which makes it easier for you to come along with me to a quantum place. The ship [Cruise Ship] isolates you from the land just enough to suspend the reality of your everyday life. By the time you end this cruise, you will have bonded with the family with an energy of joy. Some solutions will be at hand, there will be a few epiphanies, and right now there is the potential for three healings. For some, peace will be delivered, replacing anxiety. There’ll be some clarity on some future plans as well, all because you sat together with me here today.

Your willingness to do this creates a state that is a…

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